OS version: Available starting in Windows 2000 Server.Warning: filter drivers that insert between the class driver and the port driver must respect this value and not attempt to manage the size of the sense data buffer. If the value is not set, SCSI port uses a default size of 18. Meaning: If set, this value designates the size in bytes of the buffer that the SCSI Port driver allocates for request sense data.Values: Between 18 and 255 for SCSI Port.Location: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\\\\DeviceParameters\ScsiPort\TotalSenseDataBytes.Operating system (OS) version: Available in all versions of the Windows operating systems.

Otherwise, a default value of 10 seconds is used by the storage class driver.Otherwise, if the disk global timeout registry (this key) is set, this value is honored by the storage class driver.Starting in Windows 8, if the miniport sets a timeout value (in HKLM … \Services\\Parameters\IoTimeoutValue), this value is honored by the storage class driver.The timeout selection logic is as follows: If the miniport sets a value, that timeout will be honored preferentially.