Your personal messages and calls to friends and family are end-to-end encrypted. WhatsApp works across mobile and desktop even on slow connections, with no subscription fees*. It’s simple, reliable, and private, so you can easily keep in touch with your friends and family. It’s used by over 2B people in more than 180 countries. Confirm your selection by tapping the “Save” button in the top right-hand corner, and you’re done.WhatsApp from Meta is a FREE messaging and video calling app. Here you can select a suitable chime for your contact or group from a list. In the chat view, tap the name in the top left corner and choose “Custom Tones”. To do this, open the WhatsApp app, go to “Chats” and select a chat with a contact or group that you want to assign a tone to. This way you can (probably) separate important messages from less important ones. If you can’t see what’s on the screen, you’ll know immediately when a contact writes to you or someone in a group posts something. You can also assign a custom alert tone to individual contacts and even groups. Tip: In another trick we show you how to create your own iPhone ringtone! Set different WhatsApp notification tones for single contacts & groups WhatsApp → Chats → → → Custom Tone → Save This way you’ll always know whether a single contact is writing to you or someone has posted something to the group. In the Notifications section, you can also set your own tone for group notifications. Tap “Save” in the top right corner to save the selected tone. In this view, you can also completely disable the ringtone for messages by choosing “None”. You can now choose from a list of different tones from the classic “Xylophone” to the discreet “Note” ringtone. Then go to “Notifications” and tap “Sound” below Message Notifications. To change the ringtone for incoming WhatsApp messages, first open the WhatsApp app and tap “Settings” in the lower right corner. Change WhatsApp ringtone for notifications WhatsApp → Settings → Notifications → Sound → Save This also means that you can no longer distinguish between a normal call and a WhatsApp call by choosing different ringtones. So you change the ringtones for WhatsApp calls the same way you change the ringtones for iPhone calls. Since iOS 10, WhatsApp uses the same ringtone for calls as your iPhone for normal calls. 3 Set different WhatsApp notification tones for single contacts & groups.2 Change WhatsApp ringtone for notifications.1 Can I change the WhatsApp call ringtone?.